Sunday, May 4, 2008


BARN2: When Dada came home, he saw this (below left). What a mess!
Mummy came back later and plastered it over. She wasn't very happy with Clare.

Do you think Clare was bothered with it?

Thankfully, Mummy forgets these things very easily. (Humph! Wonder how the girl can get away with so much : she does canine surgery on her stuffed toys and creatively redesigns the home furniture like the sofa above. The only explanation is that the sofa is made out of cow-hide.

Corgis herd cows. When cows don't move where corgis want them to move, corgis bite cows. But we nip the heels of the cows....not tear up their bodies! Strange girl.)


Yes! Its WATER!!!!! On an extremely hot day....this is just great!

Forgot that both of us have grown- lengthwise and sideways....

After more than three quarters of an hour....and a bath (for two of us in front and Ko Ko Marky at the back of the house)...

And joy of all joys!- Mummy gave us some Frozen Goodies....

Excuse me while I rest my stomach.... ( Er...did I mention we had banana supper after our dinner?)

(Clare2 had a great time playing ball with Aunty Lu and Mummy this evening. No wonder she's exhausted!)

It was a fun day.

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