Saturday, March 6, 2010


Barn2: Mummy bought a Wondaball for us. As usual, Clare hogged it. The good thing about this ball is that it saves Mummy, Aunty Lu and Dada the hassle of throwing and rethrowing the ball for Clare to retrieve. This one moves on its own!


Missy ABCs said...


where did you get the wondaball from??

be helpful for my terrier who loves to chase ball...

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

Bought it from a shop in Yishun but there's no more available. Am still trying to find out where to get a few more. Must supervise because - as you can see- our furkids are tempted to kill the ball when excited.

Missy ABCs said...

ooo okie.. Yishun kinda near my area as well.. hmmm so is from petshop?

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

yes but they dont have anymore. If you manage to find it, do be careful that dog is supervised when playing with it. Clare's teeth got stuck onto the rubber divider between the two halves of the ball twice. Had to help her remove it...

The RATS Team said...

If I had the wonderball at home, its going to cause a choatic racket. As is when Tommie turtle gets to walk around, the dogs get crazy to see him shuffling around!!!

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

Clare will drive the turtle crazy. It would be " Run....!! NOW!!! RUN!!!!!" haha

Missy ABCs said...

Okie Okie.. thanks for the advice =D