Wednesday, September 8, 2010

LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON: Barn2 and son Ariel

Ariel bears a very strong resemblance to Barn2 when Barn2 was a pup. I did not realise how striking the similarities were until I compared their photos. Note that some of Barn2's photos have lost their original colours (ie the browns are not as deep as they were 7 years ago). Even then, the markings look remarkably the same.

The only difference could be their characters. Asher displays the playfulness and charming mischief of Barn2 when he was a pup. Ariel seemed more reserved, introverted (not unlike Barn2 when I first saw him at Ericsson's), with an fiery inner rage very akin to that of his mother Clare. Like all parents/grandparents, we wonder what this child (ok, pup) will grow up to be like. He is a handsome little fellow, this little lion (Ari: Lion. El:God ie Lion of God), the Lord's victorious one ( Ju: The Lord. Shern: victorious/ overcomer).