Monday, October 4, 2010

Growing Pups

The pups are growing up fast! They are now in their 13th week and they seem to be bigger than normal. When Barn2 and Clare came to us at 12 weeks, they were only three quarters the size of Asher and Ariel. Their enclosure configurations have to change from week to week to cater to their rapid growth. Their schooling included intentional exposure to new experiences daily:

1 introduced to beef soup and tiny cooked pieces of beef today. Asher loved it. Ariel was a bit cautious but consumed everything in the end.

2 They met up with their uncle Marky in a significant way this morning- BOTH were brought face to face with him (with a partition in between).

3 They now paddle (supported by my hand ie on their chests) as they float on water their small tub. (Ariel got the idea. Asher was too distracted to focus on paddling).

4 dog collar: Ariel has no problems with it nor the leash. Asher still freaks out at the sight of the collar.

5. Since they are getting bigger AND STRONGER, they have managed to do a few Mas Selamats (jailbreaks)) on me during the past few nights. New measures were found to ensure security....

BTW, I discovered three videos of them playing with their parents (22 Sept) which I had forgotton to post earlier. Am tagging it to the end of this post.


Family Time #2

Family Time #3


Ode said...

ha...Marky upgraded to Uncle! The last part of the video was funny, bravo, Barn2!!!

Asher has a lower pitch for his barking, than Ariel right? Or was that Barn2's barking?

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

U r right-Ariel is a tenor.... Ha

Missy ABCs said...


May I know where you get the pool container that's big enough for Barn2 and Clara to swim in?

How much is it?

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

Fish farm at junction of Pasir ris farmway 1
and Pasir Ris drive 12( main road). Approx s$300.
It's plastic, not fiberglass ie more expensive
but more durable. Easier to empty last lot of water n wash.

Missy ABCs said...

Thanks =D