Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Little Pest: Part II

How much trouble can a corgi pup possibly be?
In the space of 3's a sampling.....

(CLARE: hee hee.....)


At K9 Kampus today:

Marky had a great swim today.
Aunty Lu gave him a nice afternoon shower and he is konk-ed off from exhaustion the rest of the day.

Meanwhile, Barn2 who had his swim earlier, had been blow-dried and left in a waiting area.

He had the company of several NICE female dogs and one male Jack Russell (in an Elizabethan collar). But surprisingly, he was not growl-ey or reactive. He just sat there, waiting for his turn to be picked up.....

Good for you, my little boy!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

AT 1 AM....


Mummy is sneaky. She gets up at 1am and in pitch darkness, she clicks her camera. Then FLASH!!! Our photos are taken.

And this is my Ko Ko Barn2.....

How he can sleep through all the flashes - I dont know.
Maybe it comes with age.
In any case, he walks around at night....from downstairs to upstairs to hall, to Mummy's bed, to Dada's carpetted floor, to Dada's bed.
Maybe it's sleepwalking....
BARN2: Oh shut up and get back to sleep!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008



Aunty Sharon (Ode's ma) took a lot of photos yesterday. Here are some of the photos of me having fun.... (Thank you Aunty S!) :

Here's Lucky and I having a rumble.....

I like to fight with Ko Ko Benny. He's a bit like my Ko Ko Barn2 except that he is a bit more gentle....(which means I can bully him....hee hee...). My ears become very clean after my time with him. I wonder why.....

Uncle Eugene (Lucky's dad) had a go at cuddling me.
I liked all the attention....for a while at least.....

All of us- Ko Ko Benny, Ko Ko Ode, Lucky and I....had a great time....!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


It's Wednesday again.
It's K9 Kampus day again for me.
Today's experience was quite different.
First- the pool didnt look the same.

Second: instead of guys, I had a lady taking care of me in the pool.

I was told that my swimming has improved.
I was using my back legs more and I wasn't tilting as much to one side as I swam. Good!


Mummy bought me a new harness yesterday....

Ode's ma will be posting pictures of the playing, the frapping we had at Pawsitive Sensations:Benny, Ode, Lucky and I. (Dexter couldnt come today).
I am totally exhausted. Had a great time!!!
(Below: 8.16pm in the evening....)


I heard that Marky finally had a swim in the pool. He isnt a water baby: he doesnt like water...but today, his class all went to the pool and he got in. I was told he did well. Must make it a point to be there to take photos next time. He must be tired tonight....