Tuesday, August 26, 2008


MUMMY: In our home, when anyone goes to the bathroom, we have to be sure that we are not followed by one of the corgis (actually both of them will go in together). Its simply not safe- especially when one is planning to take a shower. You see, Clare has this quarrel with the shower....

And so it goes on.....
Clare hasn't learnt her lesson from Barn2 yet. (sigh)
On the bright side- getting them to have their twice a week cleanup is no problem. Giving them a bath is a great joy. Haha.


Clare: Surprise, surprise. Its a Saturday but Mummy piled me into the car with Aunty Lu (yup, Ko Ko Barn2 was left at home with Dada) and brought me to Pawsitive Sensations. (Mummy: I was on annual leave that Saturday lah). There were 8 corgis there!!!

(Mummy: Monty and Chloe with Sheltie Jazzy were in the other room with Lucky. Clare played a little with the rest in this room but she wasnt very keen on anything else but her ball....)

Clare: Aunty Lu had a great time fussing over little Peek-a-Boo, Benny and Coco.

Mummy tried to get me away from my ball...

In any case, she was more interested in playing with the other corgis...

Monty and Chloe's mama gave us treats.....Yummy.
Mummy: The puppies (most of them were pups) were tired after an hour and a half of playing.

(Some photos here are from Roo and Boo's mama. Thanks!)

At home, there was Ko Ko Barn2 to reckon with. Payback time.....

Mummy: Oh yes, I took him for a drive by himself one day (Clare was at home with Aunty Lu)....Fair is fair.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Mummy: All three are now happily asleep. Tired out after all the excitement!

Monday, August 18, 2008


MUMMY: Barn2 isn't a happy korgi boi. Yesterday, while he was dozing off under my computer table, Clare came too near for comfort. He growled. She attacked. They fought. He cried. I had to pull Clare off him by her tail. (Thank God for tails in some corgis!).

Clare slashed the wet furry section (Barn2's been licking it) with her teeth. One thin cut. Not sure how she did it....But Barn2's been limping.

Must say he kinda capitalized on his wound. Limped everywhere ( there's such a thing as a running limp as well- when he sees food). Had to be carried upstairs and downstairs...and to/from the bed. All the humans were laughing while 'sayang-ing' (making a big loving fuss over) him. He's such a (Cry) Baby Boy.

Clare was not unscathed in the encounter. Aunty Lu noticed the little droplet of blood below her left eye. Just a minor scratch on the edge of the eye. The last time she fought with him, she had some scratches on the cheek section below her right eye.


Somehow we get the feeling she's not exactly repentant.