Wednesday, August 6, 2008


BARN2: Home! A place of creature comforts.
On hot days, we get specially made ice cream: A big iced cube made of water,peanut butter, yogurt, carrots, pumpkin. We love it!

See us eat: you can hear the clonk! clonk! sounds. Rhythmic, are'nt we?

Home is the place where we are loved. I get a lot of hugs. Here's Dada giving me a special lapdog treatment.....

Home is the place where my little sister tries to compete with me....

She will never say 'I lose'.....

When she was chased off the coffee table by Mummy- look what she did !!! She jumped on the blue sofa and hopped on to the table....

Aunty Lu got a bit shock when she came through the door just at that moment!

Home is also where she tries to bully me. Here we are playfighting and I got the coveted ball. I can assure you, it wasn't long before she got the ball back......

Will tell you another time about what she doesat night. Sufficient to say that she is really good at expanding her territory!! Poor me.

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