Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Training Day Two


Today, Mummy took me to the K9 Kulture place again.
No massage.
Just socialisation.

Uncle Josiah took my leash and led me into a training area.
Then he invited 4 other dogs into the place.

All girls. Exciting huh?
Let's see- there's Snow, his own Sheltie....a Beagle, a corgi looking small black dog and a white Maltese...

Only thing is that I am not allowed to hump any of them. (Rats!)
I was very interested in Snow....but since I couldnt hump her...I got a bit bored.... I sat down and behaved myself..for a while at least.

I overheard Uncle Josiah say that I will have to come again next week. He says he will be introducing me to dogs of different sizes and to male dogs as well. I really dont know why I have to undergo these exercises - especially when I can't have my kind of fun.

In any case, I enjoyed the tummy rub Uncle Josiah gave me at the end of the session.


When Mummy opened the car's boot area to me, I wondered where we were going.
As soon as we arrived, Mummy passed me to Auntie Cheryl who took me down this space. Look at the crowd that's looking at me!

Uncle Josiah introduced Snow and Benji (a Golden Retriever) to me. I wasnt that interested in them. I was more concerned- where is Mummy? Why is she leaving me?
After a while, I was brought to this place where the big dogs are. I was supposed to socialise with them. Its nice to know that there are dogs of my size around ( at home, my brothers are the height challenged corgis). Some of them are crazy about the swimming pool- especially the GRs. Me? I am not sure about the place. Let me look around before I decide if I like the place or not.... I dont even like water! Dont expect me to jump into the pool..... (Mummy: see Benny the corgi's blog - it has a video of the dogs swimming in the pool... )

After a while, Mummy appeared again.
Mummy, can we go home?

(Mummy: Both Barn2 and Marky are here for their weekly socialisation sessions. It seems that Marky 'passed' the socialisation 'test' and would be allowed to play with all the other dogs in the common area. He just needs a bit more experience with other dogs to gain confidence. Barn2 on the other hand.....sigh....needs to be introduced to different dogs (sizes, gender,etc) gradually.
So next week, he will continue his socialisation class....)


kopisoh said...

I think you both had fun. When you learn how to socialise with other dogs, it will be fun to play. Otherwise you may end up playing by yourselves in the corner. No doggie wants to "friend" you if you are badly behaved.

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

Yes, Aunty Carol....
(flutters eyelashes)...

Cody, THE Fussy Pot Pants said...

U went there again?!

Barn2 Mummy: Save me from a life of boredom!

Benhur Xobile said...

I saw you!!! I saw you!!! I'm in one of the can see Rocky the corgi better than you can see me, but mummy says I'm giving the funny smiley face again. Haha...

I'm so happy you guys are going to be good doggies who like other doggies and people soon. We can PLAY!!!!! PLAY!!!!!

Cody, you need to psycho ur mummy and daddy more. =P