Wednesday, December 26, 2007

THE HUGGY BEAR and the girl-teddy bear...

I might be Darth Vader to some dogs but I am HUGGY BEAR to many humans.
This is Uncle Eugene.
I love being hugged and he is giving me my dose of it today....

I am not a huggy bear like my Ko Ko Barn2.

True- but she looks like a little TEDDY BEAR (ie toy bear) when she sleeps at night.....(hee hee)...

and she acted like a little teddy bear (toy bear) when she got her first massage from Aunty Zoe at Pawsitive Sensations today....

Lucky is more affectionate than Clare. She seems to like hugs and kisses.
Clare is cheek-ier and tends to be up to mischief more often....
Once in a while, she allows herself to be hugged.....

....before she turns her attention to more interesting her Dada's slippers.

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