Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Mummy and Aunty Lu took me out today.

Then I saw Dr Pearson.....

Most undignified!
Mummy told her I have some scars on my inner thigh and armpit. She thought that maybe- Barn2 Ko Ko chomped me, thinking I am the chicken thigh.
Dr Pearson said it wasn't a bruise.
She did a scrape of my skin....( Mummy: Clare struggled and screamed in protest- out of proportion to the pain level...).
Mummy was holding me and I was sorely tempted to bite her nose.
The result was that it wasnt some nasty 'mite attack'. It was an allergy.
Not sure to what.
So now I am on antibiotics.....and cream.

Remind me when I get to go out again- to protest loudly if they plan to take me to the vet clinic.
Either that- or I shall prepare my teeth to do some exercise on whoever holds me for any tests.

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