Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Corgi Conversations...

A reflective Barn2 ....
Barn2 reminds her of their fight earlier in the evening and how Mummy became a casulty...

A repentant Clare...

Mummy: Mmmm....maybe that's just a figment of my imagination.
(Probably is.)
The fact of the matter: Thirty minutes after the fight and the accidental bite:

(Mummy: Sigh.)


bnb said...

heehee... seems like mummy is always the casualty of their tiffs.

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

Clare says:
She gets in the way of our teeth.
Not our fault...

(Barn2 is silent and reflective, apologetic and confused at the same time).