Sunday, April 19, 2009


I have just returned from Malaysia. Away since Wednesday (5 days). Rushed to take the two corgis (with Dexter my corgi godson) to Benny's birthday/farewell Pawty. Both of them had swims and some food. Clare swam and swam and ate and ate. (Barn2 had to be kept apart from the others lest he turns Darth Vader on them). See Benny's Blog

Then they came home and had nice hot showers.

Bedtime- I had to put on the new bedsheet/pillowcases etc. Took longer than Clare was able to stomach. She couldnt wait for the treat in my pocket nor the soft cushions on her side of the bed. Eventually, she was given what she wanted. I left Barn2 and Clare on the bed and returned to clearing emails.

Barn2 soon jumped down from the bed three mins after Clare vacated the bed. He went and sniffed Clare's backside...and he turned to me and barked. I thought that was something unusual....and I looked at the bed. This was what I saw:

ARRGH. Ingrate!!

An hour later....

It's hard to be a Mummy.


bnb said...

heh heh heh.... sure it wasn't you barn barn?

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

Mummy says: Barn2 pees on the walls, not straight down. Clare does the latter. Barn2 pee-ed earlier. Clare didnt. So the culprit is identified.....haha

DoMoFi said...


Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

Mummy: I meant that Barn2 pee-ed OUTSIDE the house earlier...(not on the bed). He is not in the habit of doing that. Clare does it occasionally to spite us. I think its her 3rd or 4th time. Sigh.

Lucky The Super Corgi! said...

Corgi Power!

The Corgis Clare and Lucky
Terrorist wannabes

(Lucky did the same thing to my sister's bed which she has claimed to be hers while my sis is in aussyland)

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

CLARE : Lucky- you are a samsengpo like ME!!! hee hee...