BARN2: Mummy says its time we honoured our godparents. So I will let Ko Ko Marky start.... (Even though he is bigger than I , I can beat him in a fight. MARKY: Can't, BARN2: Can too. MARKY: No chance BARN2: Wanna try? MUMMY: CUT IT OUT, BOYS!!! BARN2: grumble grumble grumble MARKY: haha...)
(MUMMY: You should see Barn2 when he gets a whiff and more of Clare's wee2. His flews/lips begin to tremble and he foams a little in his mouth...Kinda wierd. Yes. Must agree with him that the girl passes out some powerful stuff!)
Her colour is still changing. Her "pants": started with black. It changed to grey and then to this funny light brown- black-white mix. We are not sure what colour it will end up with....Can you guess?
Barn2 seemed to be less interested in the pool than he was before. Four months of Clare must have taken its toll on his energy.
Clare has adopted some of Barn2's old characteristics.
One of it is rudeness. Clare was not happy that Barn2 was getting the attention : she kept jumping around Barn2 to disturb the process....
Ignored, she turned her attention to the one taking the photos and started scolding loudly.
"Why are you not taking me out of here to some place with more fun? Why are you taking photos of me at this time....? Complain...complain...complain...."
While the spoilt corgis were doing their water strokes, Marky had a great time at Pawsitive Sensations.....
Always the polite doggy.....
Marky feels loved by Aunty Lu below ( she whose room Marky frequents during thunderstorms....)
As Ode found out last week (see his blog when his ear flaps were turned backwards)...and Clare before him (several blogs earlier when Aunty Lu flipped her ear flaps back as well), Marky discovered that Aunty Lu has a playful sense of humour : she was the cause of his 'leash-behind- the-tail' new fashion outfit...
She is quietly sniggering in the background....
Marky meets Benny....
Marky realised that not all corgis are like his crazy brother Barn2 nor his maniac sister Clare.
Benny was a bit overwhelmed by Marky's size and lifted paw above him to pat his head....