Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Nighttime! Mummy would herd Clare and I to her bed. Each of us has a quarter of the bed (hence so many pillows for our use!) but we seldom pay attention to the boundaries. Sometimes, we claim Mummy's side of the bed as well.

Here's Clare and I spending some quality time before we hit the sack....

About fifteen minutes of playing with or talking to Clare, I tell Mummy I want to get out. She removes the metal barrier by the side of the bed and I go to my favourite spots: next to her computer (she is always working on it) or in the hall between Dada's room and Mummy's room.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I will go into Dada's room and sleep on the carpet. Sometimes I jump onto his bed to sleep at his side. After my early breakfast, I will go on Mummy's bed to continue my sleep.

Clare takes a longer time to sleep. Sometimes she drives Mummy crazy with her chewing: she would not just bite her toys...she will remove bolster strings, pillow stuffings etc. Buttons from the covering of the comforter are missing....some are stored in her tummy. Incorrigible pup!

Finally, we get some peace and quiet....

Here's Clare in Aunty Lu's arms.....

That's me below...

Mummy says that I have to lose 2 kg soon. I have no waist! Hmmm...I think she has to make Clare lose some weight too. She has no waist either.....

What do we eat? Let's see.....

Three meals a day (breakfast at 645am, lunch at noon, dinner at 6pm): Ko Ko Marky and I get the kibbles and pieces of microwaved chicken or beef or fish. Clare gets kibbles with microwaved fish. Dr Ly says Clare might get skin problems because of allergy so putting her on a all-fish diet would help prevent that. All I can say is: She is one fishy girl!

In between the meals? Yes- we get extras. Whenever Dada, Mummy and Aunty Lu have their meals, we get a cut from each of them: rice, chicken, fish, carrots, bananas, etc. Of course, Clare's intake is restricted to rice, fish, carrots and bananas.

Now you know why we bulge....


Lucky The Super Corgi! said...

Heh Heh! Come Stay with Me, my mama will ensure you double in width!

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

Oh no...Mummy doesnt want me to put on more weight! Something about watching my back (and her back too when she carries me!)...

Thanks for invitation anyway....

Carol said...

I agree that you need to lighten up a little. You are too heavy to carry!

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

At Dr Ly's clinic yesterday, I found that I am only 18.5 kg! haha.