Wednesday, July 9, 2008


CLARE: It was raining this afternoon. The showers were getting heavier and the sky was getting darker. Mummy thought it would rain. But she thought that since we would all be getting wet anyway- a little rain from the top won't matter. So she and Aunty Lu threw Barn2 Ko Ko and I into the car and took us to the pool. When we reached the pool, it was drizzling. Did it stop us? Nah.

I had a great time swimming....

Ko Ko Barn2 was more interested in the grass areas than he was in the pool. But Mummy and Aunty Lu had powerful persuasive powers. They carried him into the water.

When they thought we were ready for our showers....I leapt in again....Hee hee.

When we got home, Ko Ko Marky was wondering where we went. Little does he know its the pool. Maybe Mummy will take him there soon. Only thing is: he hates swimming! haha.

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