Saturday, October 13, 2007


It's a public holiday. I am sleeping in.

Why are you waking me up, Mummy?
My eye hasnt woken up yet. My tongueth is stucth between my teeeth...

A few minutes more.....

Oh...if I must get up....

Well, what is it? Its a holiday, for crying out loud!
Why wake me up so early?
An outing? Why didnt you say so in the first place?

I'm Mr Ready Corgi ....
It's Aunty Zoe's shop opening.....!!! Pawsitive Sensations (my massage place).
Plenty of people. I got fussed over....and photographed.....

I love hugs.

Then of course, there were the youngsters....

Dexter my mummy's kai-chye (godson) with Aunty Rachel, Benny (Aunty Zoe's boy: the Pawsitive Sensation's mascot) and Cody (aka Fungus!! hee hee), Aunty Jace's kid.

A rowdy bunch. Jumping on and chewing on each other.....
Humph!!! I am too old for this kind of play.
I growled at keep away from me....and got disciplined by Mummy and Aunty Zoe.
Not fair.

But overall, it was okay. Mummy had to go for some meeting so we had to leave early. Aunty Rachel gave me (and Ko Ko Marky) some treats from the USA Dog Bakery....and I had most of it for myself (since I am on strike on other kinds of food today)....YUM!!!! Thank you Aunty Rachel!


Cody, THE Fussy Pot Pants said...

Hello Barn Barn! Glad to have finally met you but u are really scary!

My Mum sent ur Mum the evil eye photo. Are we youngsters that unbearable?

Hopefully the next time we meet, you won't growl at me again! I really would like to learn some attitude from you!

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

Listen,Little Fungus. First lesson in attitude: move SLOWLY, with focused intention and dignity.I learnt this from my DOGFATHER Ko Ko Trax. Second lesson in attitude: Be discerning who you hump: you cannot be jumping around all around and humping- of all pups- a male corgi! (Dexter is a BOY....). Next time we meet- I will tell you who to hump.

( MUMMY: BARN!!! Stop corrupting the young kid....)

Drat! Mummy's around. Next time then,young Cody.....

Benhur Xobile said...

Cody, you wanna learn from uncle Barn2? Learn to be brave, ok. Learn to growl at us nice puppies...not ok. But to learn and be dicerning on the humping thing, yah OK. Pls stop humping me. I like to play with you when that doesn't happen. Haha...

Cody, THE Fussy Pot Pants said...

*blush* Mumsy told me off abt the humping too. It's just my hip moving!!! My Mumsy said something about me growing horns..

Move slowly eh... that's like impossible cos i m so excitable!

Sam Tsang said...

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