Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Tonight, we have a guest blogger: my Ko Ko Marky.
Mummy says he is a brave boy and a hero.

I dont know why Mummy and Aunty Lu suddenly got me into the car and drove me to Animal Recovery Centre (Balestier) this evening at 6pm. I usually go there once a year....and I am not feeling sick.

Mummy and Aunty Lu kept patting me and telling me how good a dog I am. Hmmm....what's happening?

We got a call from Atom of ARC yesterday. She told us that Iggy the Boston Terrier needed blood transfusion. Without it, Iggy would not have a fighting chance at all. He has the unusual blood type (Negative rather than Positive type) that Marky has. Would Marky be the donor?

I said- certainly...but the only condition is that Dr Ly be the one who does the transfusion since the risk is high when you put a needle into the jagular vein of the donor. I trust Dr Ly : we have known each other for more than 20 years and he had been my dogs' vet all this while. I dont know the other vets (except the one who was pregnant but she is now on maternity leave).
But the problem was that Dr Ly was out of town.

Today, I saw in Dogsforum and Doggysite that Iggy has not yet found a donor. I called ARC to inquire when Dr Ly will be back (since Barn2 needs to get his annual jabs this month as well). Heard that he's back today. So Voon from ARC said that the donation can be done TODAY.

Here's Iggy with his owner at ARC....

OK. I'm in the room. What are they planning to do?

MUMMY: Marky was sedated (mildly) and Dr Ly started the process. Aunty Lu helped hold Marky down....

Here's the dangerous part- the blood has to be taken from the jagular vein....

Meripi (not sure if this is how she spells her name), the vet technician (she is actually a vet in Philippines but because of Singapore doesnt recognise the qualifications there, she is working as vet technician) is collecting the blood and rotating the collection to and fro to help the flow from Marky's neck into the plastic bag.

After a 'wake up' jab by Meripi, Marky regains consciousness....

A bit wobbly but he's ok...

They did a heartworm test on him (in case he passes the heartworm in his blood to the receiving dog...) and thank God, it was negative. He will be giving good blood to Iggy.

I am all right now...Not sure what happened to me really but I have just had my dinner and I am going to bed.
It had been an interesting and exhausting day!

A hit and run stray puppy from Loyang....

For those who dont know about Marky's past and why he is doing this blood donation, here's something about him:

(Note: Dr Ly was the one who did the operation six years ago. He brought his own dog to be blood donor - just in case Marky needed the transfusion. But Marky didnt at that point.)
As Marky had been blessed with the gift of a new life and with that unusual blood type, he is now a bless-er of others.

After all, his name Marky (aka Makarios in Greek) means BLESSED.


Benhur Xobile said...

Marky koko! I haven't really met you up close up close. But you are a HERO!

God bless you Marky Ko-Ko. You very big doggy...I think u can flatten me, all mini 13kg of me. =)

Rachelyn said...

Marky is indeed blessed. Now he's here to help other dogs in need. Thank God!

Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

MARKY: Thanks all. I slept through it all so I dont know what the hero part is about.
Yes, I would like to meet you, Benny...Maybe next week?

BARN2 and CLARE: And if he thinks you are related to us, he WILL FLATTEN you!!! Haha.

(BARN! CLARE! Stop disturbing Benny.....)